As mentioned at, French company for hair, cosmetics and skin care has now come up with the systematic solution for baldness. The beauty firm is reported to developcutting edge 3D printing techniques for bald men to help regrow their hair. The work to cure baldness by 3D printing technique is under process.
Poietis combined its technology with L’Oreal firm for hair biology with the hope of achieving production of functional follicles capable of creating hair originally. Bio-printing experts team Poietis is working on the cure that has enough potential to regrow hair with using 3D printing.
The 3D technology will be able to produce new follicles that will further be able of budding new hair. The company said that “With this exclusive research partnership, L’Oréal and Poietis are giving themselves the means to pursue a new scientific challenge: bio-printing a hair follicle, the small organ that produces hair, using a bioprinter.”
The 3D bio-printing is custom laser-assisted technology that involves layering micro-drops of organic material using a laser beam. Then created living biological tissue must be matured enough for around 20 days before use for tests. This technique can produce biological tissue “that can position cells in 3D with extremely high cellular resolution on the order of ten microns, and cellular viability of over 95 percent.”
Bruno Brisson, general manager Poietis, said that “Our partnership with L’Oreal should lead to the development of innovative applications in terms of tissue engineering.”
L’Oreal is world’s largest company that is engaged in the field of cosmetics, hair color, skin care, make-up, hair care, sun protection and perfume. The firm is 107 years old and serves worldwide.
It is pertinent to mention here that 3D technology is becoming popular now a days. The 3D printing is working for popular health care. Chinese surgeons, earlier this year, performed a pioneering operation that allowed a paralysed man to walk again. The man got paralysed and became unable to walk when doctors removed a malicious tumour on his spine. But 3D printing gave him new hope and his surgeons produced an implant with using 3D printing to allow spinal tissues to slowly grow back.
The 3D printing is the process of synthesizing a three-dimensional object. Under computer control, successive layers of material are formed to create an object. The process is also called as Additive Manufacturing (AM). According to the proposal presented by Professor Leroy Cronin of Glasgow University, it was possible to use chemical inks to print medicine. Moreover, the technology is now being considered as a method of implanting stem cells that can generate new organs and tissues in living humans.